Sunday 15 October 2023



Why we need carbs in our diet: When we eat carbohydrates, we provide our body with fuel (energy) to function at every physiological level. Our digestive system breaks down carbohydrates into glucose (blood sugar), which feeds energy to our cells, tissues, and organs. Energy not utilized immediately is stored in our muscles and liver where our body uses it on an as-needed basis. Without adequate carbohydrate consumption, our body may experience feeling tired, headache, lethargic and unable to push through a workout.

The functions of carbohydrates: is short term energy source, provide structural support to the cells.

example of foods that contain carbohydrates: milk, sugars and deserts, all kind of fruits, nuts, grains

How much carbohydrate should we eat daily? So if you get 2,000 calories a day, between 900 and 1,300 calories should be from carbohydrates.

Facts about carbohydrates:

1. Carbohydrates are an important source of fiber

2. Not banning carbohydrates from the diet is a good idea

3. Carbohydrates can be simple or complex


  1. woww I never knew there was this much information about carbohydrates thanks to this post I know a lot about it

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. love the organization and how it's explained

  4. i love to get new information about such topics


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